Additions to the Blogroll

I’m going to do a semi-regular feature here on The Voice of Cyclometh; when I add new entries to the blogroll, I’ll write up a post about the new links and why they’re on the list.

Today’s featured entries

  • Jeffrey Kafer’s Voice BlogJeffrey is a voice talent in the Seattle area, who formerly worked at Microsoft as a software developer. He was laid off from Microsoft and made a sucessful transition to a great voice career. His blog is both interesting and informative, and provides some great insight into the work of a very talented individual.
  • The Voiceover BoblogBob Souer has a fun, friendly blog that mirrors his style, and is very informative to boot. Frequently updated, Bob provides lots of links to voice-related resources- stuff like how a Neumann mic is made, which I find fascinating.
  • Amy Snively’s Blog – Amy is one of the main driving forces behind Faffcon, an “unconference” for voice artists. Aside from that, she’s an accomplished VO artist and her blog is a lot of fun to read as well as having a lot of good information.

I have a ton more to add, so watch this space.

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