Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Back on Track

Friday, November 19th, 2010

It’s been an interesting few days. With the recent power outage and 3 (!) earthquakes in my area, none of which caused any damage but were still disconcerting, I’ve been a bit… distracted? Yes, that’s a very diplomatic word. 

At any rate, I’ve got another voice blog which I’ll be recording in a bit and posting later tonight. Got some friends watching TV in the next room, so I’m gonna wait until the background noise is gone. 


Background noise and condenser mics- not good


A few tidbits

So what’s new in the world? Well, a few things that I thought were worth mentioning. 


First, I met an old friend for lunch today and got told that I sound “more polished” in terms of general conversation than I did the last time we spoke, which was a few years ago. That was highly gratifying, as it came on the heels of a conversation where I was discussing how much effort I had been putting into what is essentially a self-training regimen. We discussed some of the things I mentioned in my most recent voice blog, essentially the difficulty of being taken seriously. The field of voice work is littered with “wannabes”, and it’s very difficult to position oneself against that backdrop. What felt good about being told that I sound different is that it means that all the work I’ve been putting into my voice is having real-world impact on how I sound. 



Read 'em and weep


Among a few book recommendations is one I found on my Nook today: VO, by Harlan Hogan. By the way, if you’re an author, make your books available in digital format. I don’t want to hear excuses, just bloody do it. I buy 10 e-books for every paper one and reference/nonfiction books are almost always better in digital format because I can carry an entire shelf with me in a package that weighs less than 6 ounces. It’s the 21st century, get with the program and make your books available electronically. 


As to this book, I’m not terrifically far into it, but it’s a good read thus far. I was pleased to no end to discover that Hogan’s recommended approaches to things mirrors many of the things I’ve been trying to work on myself and have even mentioned in this blog, including stressing things like continuous improvement, focusing on small things, checking your ego at the door and learning by doing. I recommend it as a good place to begin if you’re considering working in the voice field. It does a good job of setting expectations which is important in this field, I believe. 


Carrie over at Vox in Transition wrote about a class she’s attending this weekend with Pat Fraley about audiobook reading. I’m insanely jealous- the teacher of our recent VO class recommended it and I really wanted to go but scheduling and budget simply didn’t pan out. You can bet I’ll be picking her brain about how the class went, though! 


Acoustic FoamTomorrow I’m taking delivery of some 2×4 panels of acoustic foam for my studio. It’s essentially a basement room with hard plaster walls, so it’s got a lot of reflections and sounds really bright. I’m looking forward to taking the edge off of that and will be making adjustments over time to make it as good a recording environment as I can manage in the space I have.I assume that this will only be a first step, as I’m learning quite a bit about how sound actually works in a studio and how it is managed.

Voice blog episode seven- for real this time.

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

Ok, I recorded this 2 days ago, in the dark sitting at my kitchen counter during a windstorm that knocked out power and downed a line in front of my house. Power was restored late last night, but I didn’t have an opportunity to record another episode. Sorry for missing an episode, but barring any further weather related issues, I should be back on track.

Edit: For some reason, the player is having problems, so I’ve removed it and opened a ticket with my podcast host. In the meantime you can download or play the episode directly from here:

Voice blog episode seven!

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Hey kids. Power’s out and the transformer asploded. Oh, and the power line is down in front of my house.

I recorded a voice blog but I can’t simply upload an mp3 with my iPad. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to figure out how to accomplish the simple task of sending a file from one system to another, and have given up, mostly because my battery won’t last much long.

I will post the entry I recorded tonight as soon as I can. Sincere apologies for my failure to deliver the recording tonight.

Voice Blog Episode Six

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Voice Blog Episode Six, for your edification, is presented below. I attempted to incorporate feedback I got from Justin Barrett, and so re-recorded the same ad copy as yesterday.

Funny thing is about this process, I find myself caring less and less each day about the stuff that doesn’t work or sounds awkward, even to me- my reaction is more and more, screw it, ship it! I think that alone speaks to how this process is having its intended effect of making me less self-conscious.


Monday, November 15th, 2010

A quick “thank you” and sincere appreciation to Justin Barrett, an accomplished voice actor who took the time to write up some very detailed feedback on my recent voice blog entries. I am both humbled and grateful for the time spent and the effort it takes to help out in this manner, and I truly appreciate it.

That said, there were a number of great suggestions, which I’ll try to work on incorporating into my technique. Thanks again!

Voice Blog Episode 5

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

*Insert Kickass Theme Music*

Voice Blog Episode 5!

A Challenger Appears!

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

Just kidding. But a friend of mine, Carrie Standish has started a blog where she’s doing essentially the same thing as I am- beginning a voiceover career. I think this is awesome, and I’m really looking forward to reading what she has to say and share.

Voice Blog Episode Four

Saturday, November 13th, 2010

Greetings and welcome- thanks for listening. Check out episode four below. I’ve been tinkering with some of my audio chain settings and I think it didn’t work as well as I wanted to for this one, but it’s all part of the learning process.

Direct download

RSS feed

Voice Blog Day 3

Friday, November 12th, 2010

So tired. Just got home after a 4 hour commute+wolfing down a tavern burger.

However, the voice must go on!

Tomorrow, fun times. I’m so amazingly pleased at how much great feedback I’m getting, and it seems like there’s some real gelling with other aspiring voice artists going on. I’m very excited. 🙂

Voice Blog Episode Two

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

Episode Two, for your review. By the way, I’m sorry about the player looking that way, it refuses to resize to a reasonable size.

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